This week's Hearthstone Tavern Brawl is Gift Exchange, a classic mode for Blizzard's card game. This is the third time we've seen this Brawl, and it hasn't really changed. Players build a Wild deck and face off against a random player opponent. Each person has an 0/4 Winter's Veil Gift on their side of the field, containing a Stolen Winter's Veil Gift card. This Discover card gives you a highly discounted card from the other class. It's also important to note that the turn player is the one that gets the gift, the side of the field doesn't matter.

When opening a Winter's Veil Gift, you'll have a chance to get a Hard Packed Snowball that returns three enemy minions to your opponent's hand. This card is stupidly powerful and I'm glad you only have a small chance to get it from a present. Throwing countless enemies back to their player's hands can get pretty boring. You want to use cards, not see them fly around like a Quest Rogue's Glacial Shard.

Cards like The Doomsayer, Crazed Alchemist and Topsy Turvy can instantly kill a gift box and get you a present. If you need to turn the tides of battle and the only thing that will save you is a one-mana Dragonfire Potion , than these cards will come in clutch. You don't need them to win a game, you can just bring your regular Standard or Wild deck and see if your luck is good. This Brawl changes very little of the traditional Hearthstone formula, meaning playing cards on curve and keeping resources will win your battles.

I've been using my Secret Paladin deck list to win games, but not everyone has a Mysterious Challenger and Dr. Boom lying around their collection. HearthPwn recommends a Warlock with lots of four damage spells, stat flipping minions and board clear. If you are desperate for a win and just want to dumpster an enemy, that's the best deck to do it with. Want to play the Brawl for fun? Then take whatever deck you want. Everything is viable, as long as you remember to kill those gifts.

What deck are you using for this Brawl? Tell us in the comments.

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